About Us

What is the GLPOA? Who are its members? 

Green Lake Property Owners Association, GLPOA, was established in 1964. Members of the association include property owners on Green Lake and all persons interested in the improvement of Green Lake. The purpose of GLPOA is to promote the improvement of Green Lake and the properties adjacent thereto.  

Our lake

Beautiful Green Lake is located in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. It spans 5,561 acres and is approximately 110 feet deep at its deepest point. The lake is 12.1 miles in shore length. The city of Spicer is located on its western shore and is approximately 100 miles from Minneapolis/St. Paul.  

Our Board of Directors

Board Minutes

  • April 21, 2018


    Attendees:  Greg Holmstrom, Scott Carlson, Wayne Dahlen, Bob Hodapp, Gary Lagerstedt, Steve Linder, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – G. Holmstrom

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes- add public radio, fishing update, winter patrol. Bob Hodapp moved to approve, Gary Lagerstedt 2nd.

    3. Financials – CDS: Approve Treasurer’s Report.  Gary will check on AIS grant for survey and what we received last year. Email dues forms, last printed breeze in Breeze.  Scott Carlson approved. Bob Hodapp 2nd.

    a. Membership Forms – Update to state that no postcards will be sent out for the patrol and that they will be notified by phone.

    4. Committee Reports: New developments – Gary Lagerstedt attended the AIS conference.  

    Starry stone wart in Lake Koronis.  260,000 lbs were pulled out of the lake.  Suggested to use Kevin Farnum for a speaker at the annual meeting.   Could also use Charlene.  Gary will contact them for availability.

    Website:  Wayne Dahlen stated that they are considering using a new web host.

    Eyelids update.  Maintenance fees will probably be needed.  Wayne will contact Eric to discuss.

    Lake Management.  Discussed letter from Margaret Johnson,  The DNR may do the survey for free but may not be comprehensive enough.  It was decided to get the more detailed report from Freshwater Scientific Services at a cost ot $15,000-$20,000. 

    Wayne Dahlen approved, Scott Carlson 2nd motion passed to approve as long as cost is under $20,000.  Gary will contact Charlene for a grant request. Bob will follow up on cost of survey.

    Walleye committee has money in account, but have not needed to use the money for stocking as the DNR has been doing it on their own.  Will try to get update from walleye committee that is meeting in May.

    5. New Business

    a. Kentucky Derby fundraiser  event cancelled

    b. May Breeze photos for Directory.

    c. Update from Walleye committee, Expert speaker at annual mtg – Gary.  Fish cleaning station – Jerry Elkjier.  Bob has info. Nature notes candidates, Update on fishing opener

    d. Annual Meeting, June 16, 2018

    i. Agenda

    ii. Speakers Brett, financial updates.  Membership - communication

    30 -40 minutes for Kevin and Charlene. 

    e. DNR Starry Stonewort Grant.  Grant looks like it is for lakes that already have it.

    f. New board members to replace Steve and Greg. Alice Redtka as a possibility to replace Greg.  Karen to contact.  Steve Martinka agreed to take the open position to replace Steve Linder. Bob and Scott are going to contact someone for the city if Kit resigns.

    g. New GLPOA Directory

    i. Advertising  Karen will find out about who are associate members 

    h. Sponsorships/contribution requests – tabled until next meeting for review

    6. Adjournment – Bob Hodapp approved , Scott 2nd  at 9:25am

  • May 19, 2018


    Attendees: Greg Holmstrom, Scott Carlson, Wayne Dahlen, Gary Lagerstedt, Sara Buboltz, Chris Duininck, Harvey Lang, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – G. Holmstrom

    2. Approved Agenda and Minutes Chris D. approved, Wayne D. 2nd.

    3. Financials

    a. Approve Membership Forms – Discussed possibilities about electronic payments for dues.  Sara and Chris will check on computer developers to set up electronic payment of the web-site. Dues will be sent out the end of next week.

    b. Gary applied for a grant to hire a firm to review AIS on Green Lake. Bob Hodapp hired a firm that will do it for a reasonable amount of money.

    4. Committee Reports: New development

    a. AIS – Gary submitted grant application for half of the cost of the study.

    b. Sewer- Harvey mentioned rates have gone up and authorized repairs are in the works.  They are looking for representation from lake residents, Tom O’Malley and Bryan Hedloff were mentioned as candidates.

    c. Eyelids – Wayne thinks that we will have to pay for maintenance on the eyelid systems as the county will no longer pay.  Gary will find out about costs.  Wayne will send out fall report from Erik to the board members.

    5. New Business

    a. June Breeze  – Chris D. will get article on human interest story of the bikers around the lake.  Minutes from annual meeting will be included.  Tom Parliman has agreed to write Nature Notes articles.  

    b. Annual Meeting, June 16, 2018

    i. Agenda

    ii. Speakers

    c. New board members to replace Steve and Greg:  Kit is resigning from her position on the board.  Bob will talk to Dean Erickson to replace Kit. Steve Martinka will replace Steve Linder.  Mike Hodapp will replace Greg Holmstrom.

    d. New GLPOA Directory

    i. Associate Members – no news from CDS yet on the current list.

    e. Sponsorships/contribution requests – Harvey requested $2,000 to help pay for dredging of the Indian Beach channel. Gary moved to approve, Wayne 2nd. Indian Beach Harbor Association.

    i. Let’s Go Fishing – Declined because it does not fit the purpose of the GLPOA.

    ii. Conservation Minnesota – Declined because it does not fit the purpose of the GLPOA.

    iii. U of M AIS Research Center – Gary moved that we donate $500, Chris countered with $1000, Gary approved; Harvey Lange 2nd.. Motion passed.  

    6. Adjournment – 9:45 Chris motion to adjourn. 2nd from Steve Linder.  Motion passed.

  • June 16, 2018



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order at 8:35– G. Holmstrom

    a. Introduce Board Members

    2. Introduced Guests – Rollie Nissen, Roger Imdecke, Dave Baker

    3. Approved 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

    4. Treasurer Report – Brett Aamot, CDS Donated to fish cleaning station, Little Crow Anglers, MN AIS, Indian Beach Harbor

    5. Election of 3 New Board Members.  Selections from the nominating committee are:  Steve Martinka, Mike Hodapp, and Dean Erickson. Motion to accept by Bob Hodapp, 2nd by Kit Smith.

    6. Bob Hodapp spoke on Lake Survey for milfoal

    7. Gary Lagerstedt – AIS update

    a. Starry Stonewort Video

    8. Questions were answered about AIS

    9. Mike Hodapp updated on the fish in Green Lake.

    10. Thank You/Adjourn at 9:30 am

    After meeting notes:

    Scott Carlson opened the meeting.  Bob H.   Scott Carlson was elected as president.  Motion approved.

    Vice President:  Bob Hodapp was approved.

    Treasurer:  Chris Duuinck was approved

    Secretary:  Sara Buboltz was approved

    Reviewed Membership update

    $20.00 for new directory for non-members.

    Steve Martinka

    Dean Erickson

    Mike Hodapp

    Send out updated contact list.

  • July 21, 2018


    Attendees: Scott Carlson, Wayne Dahlen, Dean Erickson, Mike Hodapp, Steve Martinka, Sara Buboltz, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order  at 8:02– Scott Carlson

    Welcome visitors – Website Management Proposal, Kody from Aasen Tech from Spicer. Ziggity Squeak is Marketing name.  Total investment would be $1500.  Could integrate with Paypal. $50/month hosting charge.  30 minutes of free support per month. 2.9% per transaction through paypal. He could have something ready by Sept. $500 nonrefundable downpayment, then $1,000 after launched. Steve moved to approved, Sara 2nd.  Motion approved to move forward to work on demo.

    2. Approved Agenda and Minutes from May meeting. Motion Passed

    3. Financials

    a. Membership Update

    b. Next Steps – Karen will send out the updated Membership list.  Send out letter to businesses for associate members.

    4. Committee Reports

    a. 2018 Committee reorganization updated and Karen will send out to the Board.

    5. New Business

    a. Spray for mosquitoes?  Steve will check about the Lake Florida spraying?

    b. Mike Hodapp updated us on the Spicer Castle.  It would cost over a million to get it useable.  Missed the date for a grant on the historical registry.   

    c. August Breeze

    i. The website committee will write an article on new website.

    ii. Mike something on the castle restoration

    iii. Buoys.

    iv. Water levels and no-wake option.  Scott will call sherriff dept.

    v. Lake survey update – Bob.

    d. Annual Meeting date for 2019.  June 15th.  Karen will contact bible camp to see if available.  

    e. New GLPOA Directory

    i. Associate Members

    6. Adjournment at 9:39.  Scott motioned to adjourned.  Dean 1st, Sarah 2nd.  Motion approved to adjourn.

  • August 18, 2018


    Attendees: Sara Martinka, Chris Duininck, Bob Hodapp, Dean Erickson, Steve Martinka, Sara Buboltz, Scott Carlson, Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Karen Mahlow

    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order at 8 am -Scott Carlson

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes from July meeting.  Sara B. 1st, Steve M, 2nd. Approved

    3. Welcome Visitor –Doug Bultman,  Harvey Lange Resignation and Replacement. 

    4. Financials

    a. Membership Update

    b. Next Steps, Sara M. will talk to Margaret  about facebook updates.  Possibly set up a membership committee?  Karen will send out spreadsheet.  Chris D. will head up a membership committee.  

    5. Committee Reports

    a. Scott called sheriff’s department about lake levels and no wake zones.  

    b. Bob H. – Milfoil survey was completed last week.  Passed around map with results and read results.  Full info will be forthcoming to determine next steps.

    c. Lake Association Meeting in Alexandria on Sept 25.  Bob and Steve Martinka may attend.

    d. Dean Erickson mentioned that they are going to overcoat the water towers in the next year.

    e. Spicer Castle committee has stopped meeting.

    6. New Business

    a. Steve updated us on Florida mosquito spraying.  They spray every week.  $480 per night/gallon. 

    b. Scott brought up the possibility of closing the smaller boat landings to reduce the risk of spreading AIS.  Chris will speak to Rollie to get feedback.  Bob will speak to Roger.

    c. September Breeze

    i. Patrol – Scott will speak to Greg about sending out the blanket email 

    ii. Water levels – Bob will talk to DNR about article

    iii. Bob will write an article about survey

    iv. Doug will send his bio

    v. Gary could do an update on the Starry stonewart meeting.

    vi. End of season AIS. 

    vii. Update on Directory 

    d. New GLPOA Directory

    7. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:23

  • September 15, 2018


    Attendees:  Scott Carlson, Wayne Dahlen, Sara Martinka, Sara Buboltz, Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – Scott Carlson called at 8:05

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes from August meeting. Wayne motioned to approved, Mike Hodapp- 2nd. Passed  

    3. Financials

    a. Membership Update:  2018 has 386 members with more still trickling in

    b. Next Steps: Karen will send out letters to local business for Associate Memberships  

    4. Committee Reports

    a. Web-site update and review- Sara & Wayne will continue working on site.  Karen will send out link to all board members.

    b. Starry Stonewart – Scott will call Gary for an update on the meeting he attended.  Discussed possibility of closing some of the boat accesses.  Bob & Chris will work on contacting state/county/township officials. Karen will forward email about the eyelids update.  Wayne will follow up with eyelid company on cost and billing.

    5. New Business

    a. September Breeze, Still need Bio from Doug, Survey update from Bob, and AIS meeting update from Gary.

    b. New GLPOA Directory –Karen will contact Leslie Valiant at the City office to get list of local businesses.  Doug agreed to follow up with businesses after letter is sent out.

    c. Winter Patrol- Scott will check on contract pricing for patrol and will see if he checks 

    d. Mike will follow up on fishing update to be included in the Breeze.

    6. Adjournment at 9:30 am

  • April 20, 2019

    April 20, 2019 - 8:00 A. M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN



    Attendees:  Scott Carlson, Sara Martinka, Sara Buboltz, Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Dean Erickson, Steve Martinka, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – Scott Carlson called at 8:05

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes from September, 2018 meeting. Steve motioned to approved, Mike Hodapp- 2nd. Passed  

    3. Financials

    a. Discussed current expenses and approved financial report from CDS

    4. Committee Reports

    a. Web-site update and review- Sara Buboltz. Cody will come to next meeting to show web-site updates.

    b. Directories will be printed for the last time for the June Meeting.  They can be picked up there, with some being delivered by board members.  The remaining will be delivered to paid members.  Sara will provide lake photo.

    c. Discussed the aquatic plant survey that was completed in August of 2018.  Mike Hodapp.  Discussed treatment options.  Waiting for bid to treat.

    d. Eye lids:  We may need to share expenses to maintain or pay for maintenance.

    5. New Business

    a. May Breeze. Website update – Sara B., Directory update, fishing committee update, aquatic survey update,  ice out dates. Save the date for Annual meeting. Board meeting dates.  Nature notes.  Thank you note from MN

    b. Annual Meeting is set for June 15,  Topics include new web-site and Lake Membership survey by Bob Hodapp and Gary.

    c. Changes to meeting dates: May 25, June 15, July 20, Aug 17, Sept 21.

    d. Karen will send out membership renewal form 

    e. Mike will follow up on fishing update to be included in the Breeze.

    6. Adjournment at 9:23.

  • May 25, 2019

    GLPOA minutes for meeting May 25th, 1019

    May 25th, 2019 8:00 AM

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office, Spicer MN

    Attendees: Dean Erickson, Bob Hodapp, Wayne Dahlen, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Scott Carlson, Gary Lagerstedt, Sara Buboltz, Sara Martinka, Mike Hodapp, Karen Mahlow

    Special guests:  Margaret Johnson, Kody f

    Welcome, Call to order, Scott Carlson

    Margaret from the Middlefork Watershed district gave an update on the water levels and how they are managed.  The exit levels are fixed and managed by Federal.  The county owns the dam by Nest Lake and in managed in cooperation with the DNR.  The sherriff’s department determines if there is a no-wake zone.  Low interest loans and cost sharing are available to help with erosion issues. 

    Approve agenda and minutes from April meeting.  Chris made motion to approve and 2nd by Dean Erickson.  Motion passed

    Website Demo, questions, Sara, Kody

    Website will be live this weekend. Same URL.  Karen will send Kody the PDF’s of the 1018 and 2019 newsletter and the 2019 membership form.  CDS will handle the electronic payments.


         Membership update, ideas for new members

         Report from CDS, Brett will send update

    Committee reports

         Invasive species, PLM,  Scott, Bob.  Gary sent in application for grant for this years treatment.  Scott will contact CDS to get proof of payment for last years survey.  Gary will send to AIS board for payment.

         Caterpillar spraying, Wayne,  DNR said that last year was the lowest site of caterpillars that they have seen so no spraying should be necessary this year.

         Eyelids and costs,  Wayne mentioned that the renewal cost would be around $5,000.  Gary will check to see if the county will cover the costs.

    Old business, Directory progress, Directories will be printed by Baker Printing in Spicer and will be ready for the Annual Meeting on June 15.

    New Business

         New exec secretary,  Karen spoke with Megan Hjelle and she is interested in the position.

         June Breeze: Updates on facebook, web-site, and payments.  Sara Martinka will write it.  Article from Sherriff.  Fishing update.  Lake Koronis article.  Annual meeting info.  Dean will write an article on sewer and water updates. Biography for new board member. Thank you from U of M, 

       Annual meeting, agenda and speakers.  New board nominees. 

    Invite the local board member.  Send out date reminder email the week before.  

    Web-site update by the Sara’s, Update on Lake Survey-Bob.  Walleye update by Mike.

    Print 500 directories

    Motion to adjourn at 9:40.  Motion passed.

  • June 15, 2019

    June 15, 2019 - 9:00 A. M.

    Green Lake Lutheran Bible Camp – Spicer, MN



    Attendees:  Scott Carlson, Bob Hodapp, Sara Buboltz, Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Dean Erickson, Steve Martinka, Wayne Dahlen, Chris Duninck, Karen Mahlow


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – Scott Carlson called at 9:00 following Annual Mtg

    2. Financials

    a. 2019 Membership update by Karen

    3. Board Officers and terms

    a. Scott Carlson was nominated to be President for another year.  Motion passed.

    b. Bob Hodapp was nominated to be Vice President for another year.  Motion passed.

    c. Chris Duininck was nominated to be Treasurer for another year.  Motion passed.

    4. New Business

    a. Board approved donations to the following: Karen will request from CDS

    i. Spicer Commercial Club for fireworks - $5,000

    ii. Indian Beach Association for dredging - $2,000

    iii. Green Lake Kids Triathlon - $500

    5. Meeting adjourned at 9:32

  • July 20, 2019

    GLPOA minutes for meeting July 20, 2019

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed office, Spicer MN

    Attendees: Scott Carlson, Doug Bultman, Wayne Dahlen, Steve Martinka, Mike Hodapp, Sara Martinka, Karen Mahlow

    Welcome Call to order at 8:03 am   

    Approved agenda for May, 2019.  

    Website Update:  Sara B is still working with Kody.  Web-site is up and running.  Megan will be updating website with agenda’s and minutes.  A large article will be included in the next Breeze to show improvements to site.

    Financials:  Membership numbers, Karen distributed updated Membership numbers.  She will send an email to any existing members and send out another form to everyone that hasn’t paid membership

    Payments to Blue Water;  We received a check from Kandiyohi county for half of the cost of the milfoil survey.

    Committee reports:

    AIS, update on PLM survey and treatment.  Doug updated the board on the treatment of Indian Beach Bay.   DNR will stock up to 5,000 walleye every year, but they are not guaranteed to be available.  We may need to pay for them by a private vendor.  Sara will update our facebook page with help from Mike to look for additional donations.

    Old business:

    Directory distribution.  

    Donations to Triathlon, Spicer Commercial club

    Dean motioned to send a $1,000 to U of M AIS Research.  Steve 2nd.  Motioned approved.   Karen will process to send check.

    New Business:

    We may need to look for another person for the patrol. A spreadsheet will be made for a checklist to ensure that they are checked twice a month.  A mass email will be sent to the patrol members.  

    Scott will contact Margaret to discuss the change in the hazardous waste disposal at Hawick site.

    New exec sec, Megan Hjelle will start next month.

    July/August Breeze:

    Sara will provide article on facebook, and the web-site 

    Zebra mussels article

    Fishing update from Mike?

    Meet the new Executive Secretary.

    Adjournment Motion to approved at 9:05.

  • August 17, 2019

    GLPOA Minutes for Meeting August 17, 2019

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed office, Spicer MN

    Attendees:  Bob Hodapp, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Sara Martinka, Chris Duininck, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp, Megan Hjelle, Karen Mahlow

    Welcome call to order at 8 am Introduced New Exec Sec, Megan Hjelle

    Approved agenda for Aug. and minutes from July Meeting.

    Financials, Membership numbers were updated.  2nd mailing will go out next week.

    Website update: Is On-line bill paying up and running?  Bill paying is not available at this time.

    Committee reports:

    AIS, update on PLM treatment.  Mike updated on treatment and spots of milfoil on the lake.  The survey company should include the depths in their report.  Motion approved to post notification of treatment on the web-site. Bob will follow-up with PLM to get the quote for treating milfoil in September.  Fund up to $30,000 were approved to spend.  Up to $10,000 will be a grant from Kandiyohi County.

    Fish Stocking: DNR has a pond to grow stocks of fish for Green Lake.  GLPOA will be responsible for the electrical costs.  

    Old Business:

    Follow up on winter inspections, Nathan Holmstrom or new person.  Nathan will continue to do the patrol for next year.

    New Business:

    New hazardous landfill in Hawick is a concern to the watershed.  Chris will check into the permit to get more details.  Doug will check with Mark Jacobs from Indian Harbor who is with the PCA.  

    Sept Breeze:

    Mike will do a fishing update on the pond

    Bob will write an article on the Milfoil treatment

    Meet the new executive secretary

    Nature notes

    End of season and Aquatic Invasive species 

    Meeting minutes with be loaded to the web-site immediately following meeting as “pending approval”.

    Gary will save the date for the annual meeting at the Bible Camp for June 20, 2019.

    Change next week meeting to Sept 28.  

    Motion approved to adjourn at 8:50.

  • April 18, 2020

    April 18, 2020 - 8:00 A. M.

    {Virtual Meeting}



    Attendees:  Scott Carlson, Sara Martinka, Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Bob Hodapp, Gary Lagerstedt, Don Spilseth, Dean Erickson, Steve Martinka, Chris Duinick, Wayne Dahlen, Megan Hjelle


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – Scott Carlson called at 8:02

    2. Financials

    a. Scott C. Will get our update from CDS for May meeting.

    3. Committee Reports

    a. Website update and review- Megan working with Kody to make sure website runs as we need it to. So far Megan has not been notified on anyone paying their membership. Megan hopes to set up a face to face meeting with Kody to settle details and to get admin access to the website. This would be to gain info needed for memberships, as well as have editing access to upload meeting minutes, information, and keep board member information up-to-date.

    b. Membership Forms – No updates need to be made to paper form information. This year we will plan on sending via mail, email (for those email addresses we have on MailChimp), as well as have it accessible on the website. 

    c. PLM – Scheduled to be done this summer. The survey will be taken in June (cost for delineation is $800). We received a grant from the county, they will pay half. Expected that we will pay between $2,000-$5,000 total (roughly $1,500 per acre). Mike Hodapp will be assisting through the process. A motion was carried and passed to move along with the PLM contract. 

    d. . Fishery Update – We will stock 5,000 8-10-inch walleye. The DNR has enough carryover from the ponds. 

    4. New Business

    a. May Breeze (will be sent out first week in May) – Topics will include the following: 

    i. Presidents Corner 

    ii. Update on PLM (Scott C.) 

    iii. Notice of Membership form (try to get on page 2 instead of back page)

    iv. Historical ice out dates (2020 is April 9) 

    v. Notice regarding annual meeting and possible changes

    vi. Nature Notes from Tom Parliament

    vii. Thank you notes received over the winter months

    viii. Boat decontamination information  

    ix. Short notice that we are not associated with “Next Door Green Lake”

    x. Sale of Spicer Castle to Dianne Buzeo

    b. Annual Meeting – Due to COVID-19 we are looking at other options. At this point we will continue with it, but we are studying the possibility of changing how we do it (virtual meeting, outdoor meeting, no food, etc.)

    c. May 2020 Meeting – Set for May 16th. Discussed having it at the Spicer Lions Shelter at 8:00 AM – weather permitting. If need be will be do another virtual meeting on Zoom. 

    d. 2020 Meeting Dates: May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19

    e. Membership Renewal Form – Megan will coordinate sending this out, like previous years 

    f. Board Member Update – We will need a replacement for Wayne. Someone from the south side of the lake. Hoping to have this by the end of June 2020. 

    g. President Position – Scot will stay on as president one more year. Next person will take over next year so that we have some overlap in the position. 

    h. Indian Beach Harbor – Did a clean out, was the most expensive one thus far. Doug said it cost $17,500 because it washed in so bad this year. Current assistance from GLPOA is $2,000/year. Gary started the motion to continue this assistance, and possibly help more if needed. Bob H. seconded, motion was passed.

    i. Sewer Line Updates – Gary has spoken to a contact (Robert) about some busted sewer lines. He will gather more information and update the group. 

    5. Adjournment at 8:45.

  • May 16, 2020

    May 16, 2020 - 9:00 A. M.

    {Virtual Meeting}



     Members present: Bob Hodapp, Chris Duinick, Mike Hodapp, Scott Carlson, Doug Bultman, Sara Martinka, Wayne Dahlen, Dean Erickson, Gary Lagerstedt

    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (9:06 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes (Scott/Doug motioned/Bob 2nd)

    3. Financials – CDS: Approve Treasurer’s Report – Scott will get an update from CDS

    a. Membership Forms – Megan will have these mailed out in May. Also working with Kody Aasen to get the website updated so membership information can be filled in online.

    4. Committee Reports: New developments

    a. PLM Update: Scott signed the contracts, they will contact Mike when they are ready.

    b. Fishery Update: If there are not enough from the pond, they will get a remainder from West Central Bait. They will have a size update soon.

    5. New Business

    a. Megan is working with Kody Aasen to become an editor on the GLPOA website. This will allow her to update meeting minutes, Breeze information, and membership form information/payments.

    b. Facebook Page: Chris made Megan an editor so she can help upload information. Sara also has access.

    c. Caterpillars: Wondering if we should budget for in for next year – Brian Schlegel from the DNR who surveys it says it is the lowest levels they have seen in years. 

    d. Spicer Commercial Club: Sara was contacted about our opinions on the 4th of July fireworks. The board unanimously voted “yes” to doing fireworks. Offered to donate $5,000 like in the past - motion moved by Chris, Mike 2nd. Sara will reach out to the Commercial Club with the information. 

    e. June Breeze topics – to be sent out 1st week in June

    i. Board Member information – Greg Holmstrom has agreed to be on the board in Wayne’s place, to represent Green Lake Township. 

    ii. Megan made a typo on a couple of 2020 board meeting dates – she will update for upcoming issues!

    iii. Annual Meeting information

    iv. Nature Notes – Still looking for a replacement for Tom Parliament. I will repost to get word out – let Megan know if you have anyone in mind to do these articles, or have other ideas.

    v. Thank you notes received over winter months

    vi. Megan reached out to neighbor Vicki Henle for some updated pictures of Green Lake that she has been taking – will use in future issues

    vii. A resident sent some ice out 2020 pictures, will include in June article

    viii. Possible article on how to use GLPOA website (if we get things figured out in time regarding the website). Once that is done, Megan would like to do a one-pager on how to properly use it, and what info is available on it.

    ix. Article idea: “Green Lake Fun Facts” (how big is the lake, how many homes on it, depth, etc.). Or we could do a throwback article – maybe something about the plane that sunk in the lake or other notable events that happened on Green….?

    x. Article idea: Have a “we want your pictures” note – have people send in pictures, and we can have a gallery section on our website – Facebook too

    6. Topics from Bob: 

    a. Volunteer for water sampling: Serial samplings of all lakes take place, this is a volunteer program. We need someone to do Green Lake. Sunday afternoon or Monday on the 3rd Sunday of each month (June-September). Bob is willing to do it, Chris offered to assist with the project. It is an integrated sample/general observation. Data goes to the water shed district, and the information is mailed into Detroit Lakes to a lab.

    b. Nest Lake Dam (Old Mill): The County owns the portion under the road. The spillway is owned by a private party. Estimates for repair or replacement are over 1MM. This is similar to the dam by the north end of New London, and the DNR won’t take responsibility for it. The DNR did offer to pay for half of the replacement cost. Need ideas to help cover the other half of the cost.

    c. Historic Green Lake Levels: Lower recent water levels in the lake are representative of somewhat drier conditions in the watershed in recent months, and similar lower water levels are also being observed in Nest Lake and Lake Calhoun, as well as lower flows in the Middle Fork Crow River.  The flow levels in Middle Fork Crow River lakes will continue to be operated as a "run of the river" system, and unless we begin to see more precipitation in coming weeks and months, it is likely that we will be experiencing lower water levels that recent years.  We will continue to monitor the water levels in the lakes and streams in the Middle Fork Crow River watershed, including Green Lake, to observe changes over the open water season.  Please note that we take the monitoring of water levels and any changes in the system very seriously, and work towards maintaining flows through the lakes as consistently as possible.  These lakes are monitored weekly at the very least, and very often multiple times weekly.

    7. Annual Meeting – Megan reached out to Green Lake Lutheran Ministries about the June meeting, has cancelled our booking, we are not responsible for any fees for that. We will do a virtual meeting (either live or prerecorded). 

    8. Adjournment (10:03)

  • July, 18 2020

    July 18, 2020 - 8:00 A. M.

    Spicer Park – Downtown Spicer




    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:01)

    2. Welcome to Greg Holmstrom back to the board, as well as reelect for Doug

    3. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (Motion to approve Chris moved, Bob 2nd) Motion carries. 

    4. Financials: Any new news to report? – Gary questioned the amount of money we have in reserve. It was discussed that it is adequate for reserves because there might come a day where we have to write up substantial checks. We may want to keep some of that for the Old Mill Dam project. (No new updates on the dam at this point yet).

    a. 2020 Membership Numbers: 372 members (As of 7.18.2020) - 

    5. Committee Reports: New developments

    a. Milfoil Update: Task force hasn’t been meeting as much. Mike said they will be going out this coming Wednesday on the boat to assess. Gary Lagerstedt will go with.

    6. New Business

    a. The website has the bugs worked out and is working excellent – all minutes, and Breezes are up-to-date. Nine memberships so far signed up online. 

    b. Megan is looking for content for the August Breeze. – *They like the idea of one on Nathan Holmstrom. *Possible recurring lake level article (like we had previously done). *Can we find someone to do an article on lake temperatures? *Possible short article with an update on fishing. *Head of sewer and water district has also done articles before – we can go that route again if we need to. *Various in breakages in people’s water lines, people will be responsible for paying for their – Gary will get something written up for me to add. *Any historical tidbits we can show? We have an old 1920’s flyer on buying lots on IBR. That will be emailed to me. Gene Wenzel’s family owned the Dairy Freeze, Scott will talk to him and see if he has any old stories or photos (this could be for possibly the September Breeze). *Megan will talk to the historical society for anything relevant we can use for the future, can also ask for anyone that has made historical contributions.

    c. Voting Tabulations: We had votes come in via email from the annual meeting (so far none by mail). 

    Here are the numbers: 

    Doug Bultman – YES 6 votes | NO 0 votes

    Greg Holmstrom – YES 5 votes | NO 1 vote

    Secretary & Treasurers Reports – YES 5 votes | NO 0 votes

    Motion to accept – Steve Martinka moves, Gary Lagerstedt 2nd – motion approves.

    7. Adjournment (8:39) Motion to adjourn Bob, Chris 2nd.

    Attendance: Everyone but Don Spilseth, included in attendance was new member Greg Holmstrom

  • August 15, 2020

  • September 19, 2020

    September 19, 2020 - 8:00 A. M.

    Spicer Park – Downtown Spicer

    Sara, Mike, Doug, Don, Greg, Scott, me, Chris, Steve, Gary




    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:02)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Doug Bultman, Don Spilseth, approved

    3. Committee Reports: New developments

    a. PLM Treatment – was supposed to be Wednesday the 16, they were out marking. Bill came to $28,000, and worked on 19.1 acres. If things go well with doing more acres this year we can possibly go down to just a few acres next year. Roughly $14,000 is what we are in charge of paying for. Wait to pay it until I hear from Scott and when it finally comes in. AIS wants the copy of the bill and paid right away. Brett needs to get a copy of the check to AIS. Motion to approve payment was done in August. 

    b. Fishing Committee – Growth of the fish is a bit slow. We dumped in $2,300 of minnows. They will start harvesting next week out of the 3 ponds, they have to wait until water temperatures go down. Still on track to do 5,000 fish this fall. We can do an ad in the paper and possibly another e-blast with pictures. Bill for the minnows went to Gene Kubesh, he will pay it. If we don’t get enough to get to the 5,000 fish we will buy supplementary ones. 

    4. New Business

    a. Vote on Winter Patrol postcards – We might want to send out a mass email in December saying that everything is doing well on their property. Don 1st, Chris 2nd, approved.

    b. 501c Tax Return – I will contact Carolyn to see if we still need to do this 501c3.

    c. Thoughts on 2021 New Members – Sara will not be on next summer, along with Bob Hodapp. The following year Scott, Chris, and Gary will be off their second terms. Would like to find two new people over the winter months. Tricia Lilliberg would be interested.

    5. Guests

    a. Jamie Duininck – There is a lot that hasn’t changed with properties on 2nd tier Green Lake. All of those properties are pretty old and will probably change hands in the next 10 years. Would it be possible to look into a nonprofit able land trust – to have opportunities for trails, etc. and stop them from being developed? Residents around the lake would “gift” into a program like this – would be like a 501c3. He wouldn’t want to do it without the GLPOA support. He would possibly want to advertise/solicit at the annual meeting. There is a combination of farmland/wetlands/woods that is there. There would be no reason the board would not support this, and the land being kept the same, it would be in our interest. It falls in line with taking care of the lake. Perfect time for him to present this would be at the 2021 annual meeting. 

    b. Matt & Tricia Lilliberg – Discuss winter property management and our Patrol service. Anchor includes: Lawn, storm care/branches, security checks, dock service. Would be done in different tiers or service they can sign up for. She asked – Is it profit generating for us? NO, it’s a wash (Scott). Is this something that they could help take over? Our bylaws/reason for existence is to take care of the lake. It is only an extra service for us. (Scott). We will put this back on the agenda for April 2021. We will try to have an answer for Tricia after our April meeting. Name of company is Anchor Concierge & Property Management.

    6. Adjournment (9:00) approved

  • April 17, 2021

    April 17, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Bob Hodapp, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Sara Martinka, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle also in attendance.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:11 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – 1st: Doug 2nd: Steve

    3. Committee Reports: New developments

    a. PLM Treatment – Scott signed contract early part of 2021. Cost is about the same as previously. We are unsure of acreage for this year. AIS will pay up to 50% of the cost. Due to so many requests in 2020 the amount that will be given has been knocked down. We are allotted $7,000 from the county. We are not in charge of having to deal with the permits. 2020 was around 19 acres, 2019 was about 5 acres. We won’t know much until around July. 

    b. Fish stocking report – Mike Hodapp – Got a bill in January for aerating, the fish did well. Got 7,500 fish out of the pond in 2020. They are looking at up to 10,000 in total after pulling this spring. Should add a note in the breeze stating that the fish we raise and put in the lake will have a clipped fin. This summer will be the biggest addition of fish to the lake that we have done yet. We will know how saturated it is by doing surveys and electrofishing. We believe the DNR still does add some Frye, but we aren’t relying on that. The grow pond is located just south of Woodcock. Fish committee will meet at some point and get an update from DNR. We should do a nice update on this at annual meeting, to show the effort we put into this. 

    4. New Business

    a. Follow up on winter patrol – Nathan did the patrol, have not been alerted to any issues. 

    b. Green Lake Dredging – Doug is in charge of this - they will be doing it again this year. Will use the barge again this year, so they you can go deeper in the harbor. The sand is hauled out after it is dredged. The core engineers will not let you put that sand back into the lake you took it out of. Cannot be within a ¼ mile of Green Lake. Right now the opening is only wide enough to get a kayak through. People are hand shoveling it out right now. Cost each year is about $17,000 that was the first year, after that has been about $10,000. When it’s done we get about 7’ of depth. Doug will let us know if they want a donation for help with this. 

    c. 2021 Annual Meeting plans – Indoor might be better just in case of weather. We can always do it in person and add zoom for people that don’t want to attend in person. I will email Steph to see what options they will have for food (self-serve, buffet, they serve, etc). Get costing and all information for the next meeting. (Megan emailed her while at the meeting 4/17). We should try to do an RSVP for this meeting so we know. Jamie Duinick might be able to do a presentation, Scott will talk to him and see if he is interested. Will also need a treasurer’s report. Do we want to talk about any of the other invasive species? Starry Stonewort might be a good topic, people seem to talk about that a lot. We just approved paying for the maintenance of the boat cleaning machines this year. Probably will be around this summer or fall. We have 3 accesses on our lake with them on it. We are responsible for 50% of the cost of the maintenance. Scott will talk to Eric to see if we can give a DNR update on invasive species – briefly talk on all of them. Would also like the DNR to tell us what they have done in other lakes that have been successful. 

    d. 2021 Breeze articles – Fishing update from Mike. Scott will do finances and nature notes. New idea (local business highlight each month) – no advertising or ads. More like a story line about a business. Maybe give the history, and make it a push to buy locally. Give them a paragraph or two, they can talk about their historical perspective and what they sell, they can also add pictures if they want. Could also talk to the Commercial Club, to see what they are already doing for this. Scott will pursue the business idea. Megan, keep doing blurbs of “like us on Facebook” in the Breeze’s. Please support your 4th of July celebration and help donate to the fireworks through the commercial club. Terry Frazee obituary – pull info from the Tribune obituary.

    e. 2021 Membership update: 403 members as of 4/14/21. Have had about a dozen sign up on our website. We will send out paper bills like we have done in the past. Do a separate mailing asking to sign up, not just included in Breeze. We could also send out a separate postcard or mailer for the people that are not members telling people what we do. We could also modify the template for the membership page to have notes of “what we do” and “what we support”. Those will be sent out in May. 

    f. Join the dkdkdk – 1st Gary, 2nd Sara. Choosing to send them $100. 

    5. Adjournment (9:25 AM)

    Upcoming meeting dates: May 15, June 19, July 17, August 21, and September 18

  • May 15, 2021

    April 15, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Bob Hodapp, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Sara Martinka, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle also in attendance.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:03)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Scott motioned, all approved

    3. Committee Reports: Any new developments

    4. New Business

    a. 2021 Annual Meeting plans – Eric Katsenmeyer with PLM said the DNR will not allow their staff to do presentations at meetings. He will hold the date open in case they change their mind. At this point he won’t be a part of the agenda. Scott will see if he can put a presentation together and we can present it for him. We will do an in person meeting. I have bible camp reserved. We will also have the laptop out to do it over zoom too. I will ask them if they want us to wear masks or not. Ask her to find our contract from previous and do the same food as we’ve done before, a full breakfast. We will not be requesting RSVP’s. We will use attendance from previous year to judge our count. I will email her early this week and will type up a draft of what we will be doing exactly. From there I will send email out to the board. We will need an agenda and presentation too. Chris will need to contact CDS and get a treasurers report as well. We might want to have Brett add a snippet about how our fiscal year works and how often you pay. Gary will do a quick presentation on milfoil. Might also want to mention that we will be adding a section on the website with articles. Doug will talk about IBH dredging. I will send personal invites out to specific people (see white page notes). We will probably do a simple postcard. Add a slide about our website and Facebook page. 

    b. Indian Beach Dredging – Done to the level of about 7’. Taken out with barges. Was done 2nd week in May. Little less taken out this year than last year. Couple hundred yards was taken out. Don’t know cost of it yet. Doug will let us know what the cost is, it is approved to help with that. Last year we donated $2,000. There is a greater concentration of croppies in IBH right now. Waste goes to Calhoun, where the DNR allows them to dump. Must be at least ¼ mile away. IBH residents pay the bulk of it. There are 26 units that contribute.  

    c. AIS – Nothing new to date. PLM is doing their survey sometime in July. 

    d. Fishing – Dave Cochran sent articles, Mike passed on. Not getting fish this spring out of Downs’s pond. 8,000 have been stocked so far. DNR did an egg collection this year. They will also stock a pond with 300,000 with fry. We aren’t sure what the survival rate is on the fry. I need to find the 2021 number of money donated for fishing in memberships. Email Carolyn to pay Green Lake Fish, email Mike Hodapp and Gene Kubesh along with Carolyn regarding sending payment out. Scott motion, board approved. 

    e. Caterpillar spraying – Nobody has been out yet, usually they wait until the vegetation is out. We are still in the midst of a low cycle. Cost is around $3,000-$5,000. It is on the table at this point, we might hold off at this point. 

    f. June Breeze – any special articles you would like added, let Megan know by Monday, May 31

    g. Savings Account – Don Spilseth will take care of this and keep me posted.

    h. 2021/2022 Membership – Megan has made arrangements for mailings to go out. Membership form has been updated. Will post article again in June Breeze regarding membership renewal as well. Everything scheduled just like in previous years. Think about additional ways we can advertise our organization to try and get more members. Was talked about to pay someone to go around and advertise for it. 

    i. Tricia Lilliberg – Spicer Commercial Club – Working on the 4th of July right now. About $35,000 to run the 4th. She wants us to be a fireworks sponsor and donate money. We will donate $5,000 for fireworks. Scott motion – all approved. 

    5. Adjournment (9:20) – Scott motioned, board unanimously approved. 

    Upcoming meeting dates: June 19 (annual meeting), July 17, August 21, and September 18

  • June 19, 2021

    June 19, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Green Lake Bible Camp – Spicer, MN

    Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Bob Hodapp, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Sara Martinka, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle secretary. Bold names in attendance.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:44 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Member 1st, Dean 2nd, unanimous approval

    3. Committee Reports

    a. AIS – Scott/Gary – Updated on how PLM works, DNR tells us what we are able to do. 2020 was 19 acres, 2019 was 3.5. Will also depend on lake levels. $1,500 per acre to treat. Can only treat areas that are pure milfoil and not mixed with natural vegetation. They will come late July/early August to assess. Can apply for grants to cover up to 50%. Last year we got back $7,000. Gary also mentioned hydrilla, which is spreading to the east from the west. Not here yet but could be a possibility in the future. 

    b. Fishing – Steve M. and Mike H. on the committee. We have been working with Dave Coahran, Fisheries Manager of the Spicer area. Secured a pond called the “Downspond” near Spicer to increase walleye population. We can grow fish to a size of 8-12 inches, taking about 2 years to reach that size. The DNR will clip one of the belly fins on each one. DNR has released 7862 of these fish as of October 2020. Plan is to get another 2500 walleye when they are available. Hopefully every 2 years we will get approximately 10,000 new 8-10 inch walleyes into Green Lake.

    c. Caterpillars – Scott – We are in a down stroke of the cycle. We don’t spray unless there is an infestation. It is done by helicopter.

    d. Sewer & Water – Gary Lagerstedt – New person handling is Cory Smith. He will write an article for the Breeze this year. Our system is 21 years old. 

    e. IBH Dredging – Steve Medin spoke about it. 300 cubic yards of sand was taken out in 2020. IBS has 26 homeowners that help pay for this through their dues. The harbor and lagoon are public land. If not handled, sand will plug up the entrance to the harbor. DNR approved the site on the south side of Lake Calhoun for it to be dumped. Crow River construction has a barge that is used for dumping the sand onto. They do it every spring. We donate $2,000 each year to help this cause. 

    f. Election of Board Members – Michelle Olson nominated for City of Spicer, replacing Sara Martinka. Bruce Felt for New London Township nominated, replacing Bob Hodapp. Unanimous vote for both. Board members can do up to 2 3-year terms consecutively. 

    g. Membership Update  - Megan - 2020 Membership Dues - $40,050, 2020 Patrol -                                         $2,850, 2020 AIS - $4,432, 2020 Walleye Fund - $2,967, 2020 Gift -                                            $891, 2020 TOTAL Contributions - $51,190, 2020 Number of Members - 402 – about 50% of all homes on lake

    4. New Business

    a. Signs – We handed out to spread into yards around the lake. Handed out 12. We kept two for our parade “float”. We will pick them up the weekend after the 4th.

    b. Lake Calhoun and Nest Lake Dams – Rick Schmidt brought up the dams. Said one of the Calhoun dams is failing. Don said Nest Lake has the same issue. DNR controls all of that. Calhoun association notified DNR in 2020. Outflow was set by a court order in the 1950’s, so it can’t be modified. Calhoun feeds into Green, which is low, that is why it was brought up. Green is highly dependent on watershed NW of the lake. It was noted that on hot days, Green loses about ½” of water per day.

    c. 2022 Directories – Told members we will have a 2022 directory. We do them every 3 years. It was brought up to consider an electronic version. We go through the county property by property to put it together. Brought up to note who is members and who isn’t. We will discuss that.

    5. Adjournment (9:28 AM) – 1st Greg, 2nd Don, motion approved

    Note: Fiscal year is July 1 – June 30 

  • July 17, 2021

    July 17, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:03)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Steve, Gary

    3. Introduction of new board members: Michelle Olson, and Bruce Felt. Note: Megan printed a few copies of current board member listing to review during meeting, but it was emailed out last month to everyone. Will update, resend, and print new after July meeting is done.

    4. Committee Reports: Any new developments

    a. Megan had a banner made that matches the yard signs we had out during the 4th. Is there a place we can put this up for a while to advertise? Also, Megan picked up yard signs from around the lake last week and will keep them for future use. Send Michelle our logo/graphic and she will put it on the new Commercial Club website. Spicer Lions and Music in the Park at Pirotta park while people are there. Michelle knows someone at the city who can put posts in so we can display it. Gary is going to take it today and work on this.

    b. Annual Meeting – went well, had about 50-60 people. 

    c. Fishing – catching a lot of the clipped walleyes. About 12-14 inches being caught currently. We get 10,000 stocked fish every 2 years. Frye are stocked in spring and are taken out after 2 years. They clean out the ponds in the fall and stock the lake. System is working well on it. We are also getting some other fish from other ponds from the DNR. 

    d. Milfoil – Not heard from PLM yet. Usually do end of July/early August. We think milfoil is down this year. Treated 19 acres last year. We have a grant request from the Kandiyohi County Task Force – we can get up to 50% of what we need. 2020 they ran out of money, due to more lakes participating in the program. Late September is the best time to treat it, according to the DNR. 

    5. New Business

    a. Visitor here to discuss the Lake Calhoun dam – Lee Thompson - He is president of the Calhoun Property Owners. Metal plates were welded in where wood boards were on one of the dams, because someone was taking the wood ones out. The other one is a concrete dam, with a culvert in it that the DNR can open it to let water out if they need. The last 2 years been dealing with DNR, everyone agrees that it needs to be addressed to be replaced. They want to get us involved to get more weight to their concern and push it along. If it fails we would lose 3-4 feet of water in Green. They have drafted a letter to the DNR to nudge them along, they want us to piggy bank on it. It would be for replacement or repair, hopefully replacement. In one year it has deteriorated exponentially, won’t be long before it fails. Those two dams allow Green Lake to have water, if they fail, Calhoun would cease to exist. Possibly could get the Middle Fork Watershed district involved, Lee’s wife is on the board. Michelle can ask the city of Spicer if they would like to sign off on it as well. Scott will send out the letter to the board and we will do a motion and second via email to sign on to this. We will work on getting an article and pictures together for the August Breeze to line this out for the property owners. We can put the letter in the August Breeze as well. 

    b. July Breeze – Megan emailed out end of last week, Print Masters/General Mailing is getting the printed version out this week (Thursday the 15th).

    c. August Breeze – Will add the Lake Calhoun article, and Tom’s Nature Notes. Could also add the historic lake levels – find where we would have that. We could have the assessor give us information on lake property values and how they have changed over the years. We can try to check with the Willmar MLS group and see if they can get us information or help write an article for us. Article on rules for jet-ski’s, Bruce brought this up. This could be from the sheriff’s department. Could talk about how far away to stay away from docks, age groups that can and can’t use them, permits for kids, can’t jump wakes, etc. I (Megan) will reach out to the sheriff’s department and see what they can write up for us. Maybe we could see if the Lakes Area Review would put it in as well, ask the sheriff’s department if they will submit it to them, the same as what they do for us.

    d. Election of new board officers – President Nomination: Scott Carlson, all approved. Vice President Nomination: Gary Lagerstedt, all approved. Treasurer Nomination: Chris Duininck, all approved.  Note: Scott will remain on the board for one more year as a board member, and can help whomever takes over. Terms for directors are 3 year terms. Gary, Scott, Chris will be off next year and will need replacements. You do two consecutive terms on board. Scott has a person from LAS that would be interested in joining in 2022.

    6. Adjournment (9:13)

    Upcoming meeting dates: August 21, and September 18

    Get the yard signs to Scott – he will keep them in his garage for us for next year. 

  • August 21, 2021

    August 21, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:04)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Doug 1st, Don 2nd, approved

    3. Old Business

    a. PLM – Survey will be done this week, by end of August. Treat August or early Sept. Patricks@plmcorp.net is our contact for it – he is out of the Twin Cities. Scott will let Megan know if we need to do another newspaper article.

    b. Fishing – no new updates

    4. New Business

    a. Property owner’s rights – Greg pulled an article from the state. Greg will type an article/summary for the Breeze. I will bring one to the sheriff’s office, will include a letter stating we’ve had more complaints and wanted them to be aware. 

    b. 2022 Directory – Every 3 years. Previously Denny Baker printed, double checked before printing. Check on cost in check book on what it cost previously. I could go to treasurer/assessor office to see current property owners. Add cell phone numbers to it. Scott will contact Denny to see what info he has on it. Would we like to add in paid ads for it? Possibly yes. Include dock/yard services, construction, real estate, banks, and local businesses. Scott will ask Denny how it works. We could have different levels of paid ads. Include a page about GLPOA and the membership. Distribute to members only. Let’s order more than previously. We could have people submit photos for it. We will work on this and have more info by September meeting. 

    c. Breeze – Any new suggestions are welcome. I should try to find a chart of the lake levels. Scott would like to add in an article on being a lake steward (the emails I’ve passed on to him). Loon restoration is another topic – on hunters using lead shot over water. We would do our own short article on it.

    5. Adjournment (9:01)

  • September 25, 2021

    September 25, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris DuininckSteve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Hjelle, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:00)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes

    3. Old Business: 

    a. PLM:

    b. Fishing: (Note from Megan: Megan sent the total to Mike H. on 9/12. Mike, keep Megan updated on when you want a check cut from CDS, where to send, to whom, etc.). Update Megan too if you would like to do a fishing article in this Breeze – we could use more articles. 

    c. Property Owners Rights: Greg wrote a very nice article for the September Breeze, Megan has it ready to go in the Breeze that is started on Mail Chimp.

    d. 2022 Directory Updates: working on finding someone to do the background work on this

    4. New Business

    a. Breeze: Articles are done, just need the Presidents corner, and Tom Parliman decided on 9/14 that he does not want to do a Nature Notes article for this month. If anyone has ideas on additional items Megan should add please email her. Will send out week after the board meeting. 

    b. Winter Patrol: Megan has everything ready to go for this. 85 people signed up (so far) for 21-22 season. Nathan has been contacted and sent the list of names and addresses. Megan has the warning signs ordered from Print Masters, should be here soon and will get them to Nathan.

    5. Adjournment (time)

  • April 30, 2022

    April 30, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:01)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – 1st Chis, 2nd Bruce, - approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Breeze Items: Megan will do a historic ice out chart, including 2022. Presidents column, and if Tom doesn’t respond then Scott will have an article ready. Scott will have a PLM update. Megan will write the ice out article. Starry stonewort from MN lakes & rivers. Notice of upcoming meetings and annual meetings. Megan contact the sheriff’s department on doing an article on basic boating etiquette, noise, etc. for the May article. There will be a fishing article as well. Put a note in that “if you move or change information please let us know”. 

    b. Fishing: 5,000 more yearlings, boosting the current numbers by 30-40%. There is an article that will be in the Breeze on this.

    c. Annual Meeting: Megan working with Steph, we are booked for 8:00 AM Saturday, June 18. Everything will be the same, already mentioned to make sure food is at 8:00 instead of 8:30!! Distribution of the new directory will happen. Only members can get the book. I need to make address labels for each member, will go on each book. Denny Baker will sticker them and have them ready to go. Scott talked to Scott Henderson at the watershed, he might be interested in speaking at meeting. Scott will also talk to Eric Katsenmacher with the DNR. Lee Thompson is the one with the info on the Lake Calhoun dam, he never followed up on what he was going to do – but he also might be an option to speak. Another option might be a hydrologist, and we can discuss the sand on the beaches. Could also contact the MN Lakes & Rivers board and see if they would like to participate. County commissioner would like to be invited, also do the mayor, reps for the area. Make an invitation letter at the same time I do the letterhead and presentation. 

    4. New Business

    a. Payments/memberships: Spicer Commercial Club $155 yearly member fee (approved by Scott, paid) | MN Lakes & Rivers (not yet discussed) $100 | (Gary 1st, Chris 2nd – approved.) National Domains (our website, not yet discussed) Megan has info – Megan talk to Kody to see if we need to do this, and what he recommends. 

    b. Need for new members: Need one for Scott, Chris, Gary, Greg. Scott should send me the updates for the term limits of what he has, and I can update the sheet. Try and keep it to 2 terms. We will readdress in May to see who has ideas for members. 

    c. 4th of July/Comm. Club: Donated $5,000 in 2020 and 2021. (Motion 1st Gary and 2nd Steve - approved for $5,000.) In May we will put our signs up from last year. Parade – yes, we would like to do it again, Scott will drive. (Approved). Michelle will get us toward the front of the parade. Motion approved. Will be a kiddie parade on Friday night. Street dance Saturday night. Boat parade Sunday, parade on Monday. 

    d. Directory Update: Steph Sholing scheduled for 8:45 (was unable to attend). She was dropping the jump drive off at Baker Printing. He will rework it from there, she has it on Excel right now. Took 62 hours of work to collect info. $30/hour is what we agreed to pay her. Pictures for consideration for cover should go to Denny Baker. Associate memberships-we have had ads in previous directories. Previously was $100 to have an ad in there. We will probably skip at this point, since we have plenty of funds to cover the expense. Will want to make sure we have plenty of extra copies. Could have it as an option to purchase on our website. Will be printed first week or two of June. Will have it ready for annual meeting.

    e. Noise Ordinance – Ann Latham has voiced complained to the city, county about Lone Tree. Mike Hodapp called Scott awhile back. She has contacted the sheriff, and also has it on video. She had set up a meeting with the sheriff, commissioner in January. Mike brought up the idea of money to pay a patrol for our lake. Years ago it was Mike Rowe, was paid by the county. They would be open to us making a donation to help pay for patrol, just for Green Lake. Dave Holmquist and Nick Ardoff would be the two that would be in the running for it. Current ordinance says that they can be stopped at Lone Tree and get a warning, and it only lasts 24 hours. We could include them at the May 2022 meeting. 

    f. Milfoil – Applied for $5,000 treatment, $2,500 was approved. PLM contract was signed by Scott back in January. Planning on July/August again. 2020 was 19 acres, 2021 was 0 acres. Average is about 50-10 acres. 

    g. Indian Beach Harbor – sand removal issues still remain. Boats and overrun from Lone Tree are affecting the sand and the opening. They are going to be dredging in the next couple weeks. Will add this topic to agenda for May meeting. 

    5. Adjournment (9:44)

    Other notes: DNR ice out 2022 Green Lake April 22. Median ice out date April 16, earliest March 20, 2012, latest May 8 2013

    Find the MN Lakes & Rivers email that had the articles on it, there is one on starry stonewort. Add to Breeze. Look through and see if there are any we can use.

    Provide a financial update for the May meeting. – Megan get from Carolyn.

    Upcoming meetings: May 21, June 18 (annual), July 16, August 20, September 17

  • May 21, 2022

    May 21, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Nelson, secretary.


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:04)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Bruce 1st, Chris 2nd, approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Breeze Items: If there is anything you can think to add, please let Megan know. Tom Parliman will start doing nature notes next month, he did not get one in in time for the last Breeze. Megan contacted Eric Holien to see if he would do an article for future Breezes – he said he would definitely be interested. Get the dispatchers number and put it in upcoming newsletters, in case people need to call in issues or complaints.

    b. Annual Meeting: Brett will have a treasury update from CDS. Megan contacted Eric Holien regarding the meeting – he said he will attend and will plan to address some immediate concerns that have been floating around. Megan also invited Denny Baker, Roger Imdieke, Dave Baker, Jeff Forester, Eric Katzenmeyer and Russ Hilbert.

    c. 4th of JulyParade – Motion to spend $500 on candy, Don 1st, Mike 2nd, all approved. Everything is ready to go, will do the same as we did last year.

    4. Adjournment (8:49)

    Other notes: Will have an extra 30 copies of Breeze for annual meeting, with a treasurer’s report, minutes, agenda, and membership form inside. Megan contacted GLLM to have extra tables. Megan emailed Denny regarding the directories, notified about the extra 100 copies as well.

  • June 18, 2022

    June 18, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    GLLM Bible Camp – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Nelson, secretary.


    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Scott Carlson} (8:30)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Chris 1st, guest 2nd, approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Brett Aamot – Treasury report. Fiscal year ends May 31, starts new June 1. General income was $41,000. Net profit was $25,000 after expenses. Current balance $146,000 at Heritage Bank. 

    b. PLM (Scott)- 2 years ago we did 19 acres, last year was 0 acres. We are getting less and less grant money from county each year. Used to be $10k, now about $2,500. DNR decides how much we can treat. 

    c. Fishing Committee – Dave Coahran from the fisheries office spoke. 5-6 year ongoing project for zebra mussels. Highest amount in lake was 33,000 per square meter, average is 5,000 per square meter. Walleyes have declined due to zebra mussels. Green Lake is the only lake in the state where we stock frye. Goal is 5,000 every year. They are clipped on their fins, about 33% of the fish caught are due to stocking by us. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Eric Holien – New ordinance for the county is now 72 hours instead of 24 for noise complaints. 2 new individuals in training for sheriff’s department. The contacts for the boat and water patro are Nick Ardoff and Dave Holmquist, they are open to taking any and all calls.

    b. Board Members – Scott, Chris, and Gary are at end of 2nd terms. Need 4 nominations: 1 City of Spicer, 2 Irving, and 1 NL Township. Nominations are Vince King for NL, and Eric Mattison for Irving. Need 2 more. Scott is done as president, Chris is done as treasurer, need new people. 

    c. Olde Mill Inn – Spillway project where Crow River runs under the road needs work. They privately own it, but gave permanent easement to the county, and the county will fix it. Roger Imdike said DNR cannot give $ to a private entity, therefore county gets it. DNR has $425k to fix, but bid came in 3x higher than estimated. Bids were rejected and will start over. There is no bonding bill right now so it may not get funded soon.

    d. Let’s Go Fishing – Ron Haugen came and did an overview on program. Megan will put an article in the Breeze once a year to help get the word out. 

    5. Adjournment (9:39), Steve 1st, Don 2nd – approved.

  • July 16, 2022

    July 16, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Scott Carlson, Michelle Olson, Doug Bultman, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Chris Duininck, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Greg Holmstrom, Gary Lagerstedt, Mike Hodapp. Megan Nelson, secretary.

    In attendance – Doug Bultman, Mike Hodapp, Bryan Hedlof, Michelle Olson, Eric Mattison, Don Spilseth



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {nobody} (8:05)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Breeze Items: If there is anything you can think to add, please let Megan know. Tom Parliman is doing Nature Notes again. Megan contacted Eric Holien to see if he would do an article for future Breezes – he said he would definitely be interested. We do still need more content. Anything from the Spicer Commercial Club that might be interesting?

    b. 2022-23 membership spreadsheet has been updated with updated names and addresses. Membership forms have been mailed out. We have had a lot of people sign up already.

    4. New Business: 

    a. Board Member Elections – Scott, Chris, and Gary are at the end of their second terms. Vince King was brought up for NL Township. Eric Mattison for Irving. Bryan for Irving. We also need a new President in Scott’s place, and a Treasurer in Chris’s place. 

    Mike volunteer to be treasurer. Eric Mattison volunteered for president, if Dean said no. Don nominated him Mike 2nd, approved. Don nominated Henle and Hedlof for new members, approved. Megan to email Eric the bi-laws and information. 

    b. Aqua Thruster: Doug brought up the idea of the Aqua Thruster for IBH. Doug brought Steve Medin, he is a leader in the project. Sold the priahna about a year ago to suck the sand out of the harbor. Set up a committee to research dredging options. Aqua thruster seemed like the best option. Got 2 year approval from DNR. GLPOA has been paying about $2,000/year on the dredging project. They are contacting park and commissioners to help get it underway. It is currently on a trial basis. Units are installed right now, DNR has been out checking depths. There is a counter rotation on the lake, and it washes in the harbor. Sand must be moved to off-site area due to possibility of invasive species. Ethan Jensen is the hydrologist they have been working with. It is essentially a trolling motor on a rod, about 2,000 gallons a minute. President of their association runs it. Hoping it will take the place of the barge in the spring. Should send sand out about 150 feet. Will run right up to the freeze up. IBH association has assumed the cost of it. Total cost on it is $12,000-$14,000. Split between the 26 members. Motion by Mike to donate $6,000 up front, in acceleration to them, instead of paying $2,000/year in 2023 and 2024. Dave 2nd, approved. Megan has in notes where payment will go. Will contact Carolyn. 

    c. Checking account update: Motion by Eric to delete and add personnel. Add Eric (president) and Mike (treasurer). Mike 2nd, approved. 

    d. Lone Tree noise complaints – It is at the worst it’s been. Fence isn’t working, has been issues with trespassing. Noise ordinance changed to 72 hours. Ann is following up on the noise complaints. IBH entrance has been having issues as well. Add this topic to agenda for next month. 

    e. Winter Patrol – we are in need of a new patrol person

    5. Adjournment (9:36) Motion by Eric, Don 1st, Mike 2nd, approved

  • August 20, 2022

    August 20, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Vince King, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Doug Bultman, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric} (8:04)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Mike 1st, Dean 2nd - approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Lone Tree Noise Complaints: Megan will contact Eric Holien to see if he will do a write up in the newsletter for noise and lake etiquette. Would like to do once a year.

    b. PLM: Eric will reach out to Scott and take over being the point person. 

    c. Fishing Committee: (Steve and Mike). Mike talked to Dave Coharan, he says they can’t survey due to algae. Frye are in pond we will know more at a later date. Only ongoing cost will be aerating it this fall/winter.

    d. AIS Updates: Bryan Hedlof will take over for Gary as far as contacting the PLM committee and filling out the form every year for the money from the county. Bryan will be at the meeting this coming Wednesday. Russ Hilbert is their president.

    4. New Business: 

    a. Board Directory: Megan has a couple pieces of missing info on the board member directory sheet. Will distribute once complete. 

    b. Winter Patrol: We have interested candidates (2) – We will go with Kristi Lilliberg-Barber to see if she will take the position. Motion from Dean, Dean 1st, Steve 2nd - approved

    c. Eric requested a copy of the bi-laws and information on the association. Megan printed and brought with.

    d. Sirens – NE side of Lake Resident asked about civil defense sirens. Bryan can call the county and see who would take care of adding a second siren on the east side of the lake

    e. Spicer Sewer & Water – Gary was on the sewer and water board. Bryan Hedlof has taken his position on this as well. Bryan will be able to update our board. There is a huge leak in Spicer, Denny says they can’t find the leak. Losing half a million gallons a month. It is a 20 year old system. 9mm dollar update to improve the grinder stations has been done. Rates will be going up again for water. They meet at 6:00 4th Monday of each month.

    5. Adjournment (8:55) – Eric 1st motion to adjourn, Dean 2nd, approved.

    Next meeting is September 17, 2022

  • September 17, 2022

    September 17, 2022 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crow River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Vince King, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Doug Bultman, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth. Megan Nelson, secretary. Steve Medin, guest, filling in for Doug Bultman



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric Mattison} (8:02)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Eric motion, Steve 1st, Dean 2nd, approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Lone Tree Noise Complaints: Eric said the sheriff’s department can do a write up, plan on next year. Talk to Sheriff next April to see if the etiquette article they write can be put in local papers as well, and maybe our Facebook page too. (I might want to start working on this before April meeting).

    b. Aqua Thrusters – Steve Medin said they are going to try and mark by them, so people don’t get too close. They have the experimental permit with the DNR for 2 years, just started in July. Tring to create an artificial shoreline by pushing water. Seems like it is working well so far. Run 24/7, but hoping to cut back due to cost. There are 2 reference sites with markers and ropes, and they chart it out so they can see how it changes. Ethan Jensen has been helping them monitor it. About 300 cubic yards of sand in the spring get taken out. Will shut it off over winter and will take the berm out in the spring. The spring cleanout permit has to be approved each year, is not an issue to get it approved. 

    c. PLM: Application in and complete, survey is compete, they mapped it out. Cost is $3,867. They will come out Monday and do it. Eric will respond to them and let them know it is approved to treat. Eric will ask them if we need to notify or post notices – this year will be too late to ask. Russ Hilbert is frustrated that boat cleaning isn’t happening as it should. Bryan is on the board and is keeping us updated. The wash at Saulsbury is free, takes about 15 minutes at most, they do it for you. They can do your live well and trailer too. Next April I will pull of the MN DNR website (bookmarked) on the laws and the fines for not cleaning your boat, can make it a reoccurring article. I can also put on the Facebook page.

    d. Fishing Committee: Downs Pond has a bunch of carryover fish in it, they are going to net them and put them in the lake. They aren’t sure the Frye took this year, they did not get much in nets. Then they will not aerate it and let it freeze out if it didn’t work. There are a couple other ponds they get them from, we will still get our 5,000/year. Upcoming is the fall electrofishing yet. Sample netting was 7 walleyes per net, which is good.

    e. AIS Updates: We can apply in October for the grant – there are 2 buckets, one for education for max $5,000, or other is $7,500, we will apply for what we can. November 15 is the filing deadline for that. Gary used to handle, Bryan will take it over.

    4. New Business: 

    a. Winter Patrol: Kristi Lilleberg-Barber will do it. Megan has been corresponding with her.

    b. Watershed Key – Megan will update on if we can keep doing it

    c. Nature Notes – Tom Parliman no longer wants to do it. If anyone has other ideas let me know. Scott’s wife can maybe do it again, we can ask if there are no other ideas. 

    d. Castle Shores Information – shared with board. 

    e. Heritage Bank – Motion to approve adding the current treasurer and president and Megan Nelson as signers on the bank account so that we can, Motion 1st by Steve and 2nd by Dean, all approved. Megan will get online banking and will transfer more money into the savings. Dave Henle and I will make an appointment to make changes. 

    5. Adjournment (9:19)

    Meetings are always the 3rd Saturday of the month. April through September.

  • April 29, 2023

    April 29, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Faith Lutheran Church – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Vince King, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Doug Bultman (someone in his place), Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric} (8:16 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Newsletter: Tom Parliman is no longer going to do Nature Notes for us. Any ideas to fill that spot? Eric says Dean Erickson can do Nature Notes. Mike has a contact at MN Fish, we could reach out to see if they have any info. We can also ask the Watershed if they have anything they want us to publish. Mike can get me an article on fishing committee. Eric says Dean Erickson can do Nature Notes. Eric will do an article on PLM treatments for 2022/2023. IBH board will do an article for Breeze on the dredging. Design a new article for promoting paying memberships online.

    b. PLM: Current year agreement has been completed. There are two new forms to be filled out. We need to set a person to be the contact/representative for our group on this. Scott Carlson handled previously. We did not treat in 2022, Bryan Hedlof has info on when we paid and the grant through the County. Survey earlier in the year, treat in September. Eric Mattison will take the lead on handling this. 

    c. Meeting Site: We will do the Watershed building going forward (as long as they give us the current code), and use Faith Lutheran as a backup. Bruce Felt has the code/information to get in. Mike will keep working on details on getting in there.

    d. AIS Updates: Bryan Hedlof and the sentry units –Saulsbury, Cty Park 5 are the location units. 10 originally in the county. Green originally had 2. We are the only lake that still has any units. We are committed/paid for this year ($900/unit/year). Russ at county is matching the funds for it to get it paid. Russ is going to put more “sticks” on a rope to help get weeds off by each one to help users. We should revisit this in September meeting to see if we want to renew for 2024. 

    e. Aqua Thrusters/Dredging at IBH – Getting ready to start to run for 2023. They are working well. Going to try to come in with a back-ho and move sands to the lots to the north. They are working with Ethan Jensen at the DNR on the logistics of it. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Website: Everything is up-to-date – The website owner changed his business/website, so we had a gap.

    b. MN Lakes & Rivers 2023 Membership: Motion passed to spend $100.

    c. 2023/2024 Memberships: 4/4/23 Megan sent the new form and mailing list to Print Masters and General Mailing to have sent out. 200 memberships have come back so far for 2023/2024. 

    d. Annual Meeting: Megan has GLLM booked – same set ups as done in the past. Megan will send out the usual invites for sheriff, fisheries, county, etc. as before. 

    e. Ruth Schaefer (Water District) – She reached out to Eric and said someone from Lake Koronis is willing to present on how they are approaching their starry stonewort. Kevin Farnum is the contact. Tuesday May 30 or Wednesday May 31 in the mornings or afternoons. Only a few people from each lake association to attend. Eric says he can attend, Bryan Hedlof would also like to attend.

    f. Starting June 1 North Shore Drive will be shut down for rougly 2 weeks, weather permitting, as they are replacing a manhole cover for the sewer. Roads will be marked with detours. 

    5. Adjournment (9:25 AM)

    2023 Meetings: April 29, May 27, June 17 (Annual Meeting), July 29, August 26, September 30

  • May 2023


    May 27, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Vince King, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Doug Bultman, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric (8:02)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes - approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Newsletter: Need information for June newsletter sent to me by Friday, June 2

    b. PLM: Application work is done to proceed with permit. Eric is handling. Eric will find out if someone can tag along – maybe we can get some pictures. We will also need to post in the paper. 

    c. Winter Patrol: Kristi Lilliberg-Barber update

    d. Meeting Site: We are back to the Watershed building, but will keep Faith Lutheran as a back up if we need it.

    e. AIS Updates: Upcoming meeting on starry stonewort – Ruth emailed and said the meeting will be on 5/30 at 9:30 AM at the Watershed building. Eric will attend. Handled by the Koronis Lake Owners Association. She will also have info on the MN Coalition of Lakes & Rivers. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Beautification Committee: I will be advertising their Music In The Park in the next newsletter

    b. Board Update: Vince King – no longer wants to be on the board, we will need to fill his spot. We will also need to fill Doug Bultman’s place.

    c. Banking Information: Megan needs to discuss with Dave Henle. (See letter) – Dave will handle it. Motion to add treasurer and president (Mike Hodapp and Eric Mattison) to the bank account to the signature card. Also will add Megan on to have access to online banking, but not as signing. Steve did the 1st motion, Bruce did the 2nd motion – approved. 

    d. Annual Meeting: Invites sent. Presentation started – please send info and updates to Megan as soon as possible. Megan can ask the City of Spicer if we can add it to their electronic sign by the landing to promote it. Maybe we can advertise to get new members on the sign as well.

    5. Adjournment (9:15)

    2023 Meetings: June 17 (Annual Meeting), July 29, August 26, September 30

    2023 Meetings: June 17 (Annual Meeting), July 29, August 26, September 30

  • June 17, 2023

    June 17, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Green Lake Bible Camp – Spicer, MN

    Board Members in Attendance:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Don Spilseth. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric (8:23 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Don 1st, Dean 2nd, all approved June 2022 minutes

    3. Old & New Business: 

    a. Introductions of board, secretary, patrol person

    b. Agenda overview

    c. Sheriff Update from Eric Tollefson – They are not at full staff, including dispatch, admin/support, deputies, corrections. In 2022 they had 72,500 phone calls, 15,000 were 911 calls, 14 text to 911 calls, patrol over 10,000 calls. They also do dispatch for Big Stone County. Their drug task force handles 5 counties: Kandiyohi Meeker, Yellow Medicine, Chippewa, and Swift. 74% of those cases were in Kandiyohi County, with a majority being in the city of Willmar. Total asset seizures came to $91,000 in 2022. They also removed 70 children from bad homes and had 264 search warrants. They are getting a federal boating grant for deputies to work overtime on water patrol. Dave Holmquist also helps in the summer. July 4th lake coverage-they will work in locked shifts, so personnel are not able to take time off over the 4th. There is lots of overtime scheduled right now. The noise ordinance was amended to 72 hours (up from 24) in 2022. The offenders are warned on 1st offense, and ticketed on 2nd offense. There is also a nuisance ordinance and a loud gathering ordinance – no changes were noted on those. Eric mentioned that if you have a loud gathering disturbance, when you call dispatch to ask them to call it in over an encrypted channel. People are now able to listen to the open channels on their cell phones, and have insight to when police are on their way – which does not help the police to enforce the noise. This was also noted on complaints at local Airbnb’s. It was also mentioned by a member regarding the Airbnb noise to contact the company directly, as the company is enforcing noise with rental properties more now, due to elevated complaints from neighbors. Jet-skis were also brought up, there has been issues with them and the proximity to shoreline – Eric said to call dispatch if there are issues, they will get there as quick as possible. 

    d. Rep. Dave Baker Update – Boat fees are doubling this year – although there are no changes to fishing fees. If you were born in 1987 and after you will need a certification to drive a boat. There are also now going to be penalties for leaving garbage on the ice (while occupying a fish house and after you leave). Dave is having a Melvin’s party at Zorbaz at the end of July with a band. He also mentioned quite a good number of MN residents leaving due to rising taxes. 

    e. Update from Brett Aamot/CDS – May 31 is the GLPOA year end. We file a tax exempt 990 form each year. Our revenue and membership is down – receiving $30,000 instead of the previous $40,000 on memberships. A couple of our larger expenses by year end were the Spicer Commercial Club (fireworks - $5,000) and the dredging at Indian Beach Harbor. 

    f. Update from Roger Imdieke – The manhole on North Shore Drive is fixed – their goal had been to get it completed by July. They will be repaving the bike trail this year as well. The sanitary sewer and water district has a 25 year old system and needs a proposed $13 million dollar upgrade. The bonding bill has passed and got us a $5 million grant for it. The Olde Mill spillway needs repair, it no longer is personal property and is now owned by the county. There is a request in to the DNR to get a grant to fix it, it is about the fifth in line of priority projects to complete. The Lake Calhoun dam is also in major disrepair – and if it should break, the lake level of Green Lake would potentially change about 3 feet. That is a DNR project, and it was mentioned that temporary fixes are in the plans, before a permanent fix can be funded. 

    g. AIS & PLM Update from Eric Mattison – Our PLM survey will be free in 2023, saving us about $1,000. Drew Baker is our PLM rep from Shakopee. It is under good control right now. Surveying is usually around June, but this year the growth is late, so it will be about July when the survey occurs. Treatment happens around September. It will be posted in the local paper when it will be treated. Treatment areas are set by the DNR. Private land owners can also apply for treatments in front of their properties. The county and DNR funding matches have been shrinking, as more lake associations have caught on that funds are available. Regarding Starry Stonewort – we have met with the Lake Koronis association, they have spent large amounts of money controlling it. It is easily treated if caught early and controlled. It is found largely at landings. We do yearly testing for it on Green Lake – the county does rake monitoring each year, which includes watching for this species. 

    h. Fishing Update from Dave Coahran – Dave is with the DNR fisheries. He says thank you for the donations – they are being used to fund the Dows walleye pond, which is aerated in the winter to keep walleyes alive, and grow bigger fish. They are also stocking carryover walleyes. Fish grown in the ponds will have clipped fins. In doing this, it has boosted walleye population about 30%. Dows was the only pond in 2022 where fish survived – the rest were winter killed. They did 20,000 fingerlings last year, eventually growing to 8-12”. They sample Green Lake every year with netting surveys and electrofishing in the fall. 2022 was the best recorded year for the walleye. 65 young walleye were caught per hour when testing. Back in the 90’s that was 30-40 per hour. The goal is to eventually not have to stock. In spring they do a kids event on Green – Megan is going to reach out to him to see if they want to advertise that in the Breeze. The zebra mussels have impacted the water clarity. The water is not as clear, the walleyes like it not as clean. The lake seems to be cycling back to the 90’s in ways, with yellow perch making a small comeback, especially the small ones, and they are staying small. This seems to be trending across the state, they are maturing early and staying small. Decreases in water clarity could bring that back in the coming years. Crayfish are also making a comeback – they can increase on lakes that have zebra mussels, as they eat them, along with plants, like milfoil. 

    i. Election of Board Members, Eric Mattison – Steve Medin has a candidate in mind for Doug Bultman’s spot – Eric is going to reach out to him. Steve said he is happy to help out in his absence. The board is going to keep seeking another member to fill the New London Township open position. (There were no nominations for that spot at the meeting).

    4. Adjournment (9:34 AM) – Don Spilseth 1st, Bob Hodapp 2nd – all approved

  • July 29, 2023

    Meeting Minutes from July 2023

    July 29, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, NEW Bob Hodapp, Megan Nelson, secretary. (Bold=In Attendance)


    Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – {Eric} (8:00)

    Approve Agenda and Minutes – motion Steve 1st, Mike 2nd, approved

    Old Business:

    Newsletter: Need information for next newsletter sent to me by Friday, August 4

    PLM: Eric reached to Drew, last info he got he said they would wait until the end of July or early August to survey, they seem to be more successful when they wait. Application is in. Eric will reach out again. Eric is also going to get info from them on property owners being able to do their own applications by their docks.

    AIS: Bryan Hedlof – Ruth reached out in light of the Koronis starry stonewort ass’n – Green Lake is trending in the right direction on treatments for AIS. Met about 10 days ago regarding Long Lake, they are working on treating starry stonewort now, and have found zebra mussels as well. Other lakes are scrambling for money for treatments – Lake Andrew has 44 acres of milfoil that needs to be treated and is needing funds. Koronis association spends $130,000/year treating starry stonewort. (They treat multiple times per year). Heavy around the accesses, so it is being brought in by boats. They are using more of a selective herbicide now, which is more expensive, but is a plus because it only goes after the milfoil and not other vegetation. 2022 only 99 boats went through decontamination, they are only being washed coming out, not going in. Russ is trying to implement a program to incentivize people to use it going in. Green Lake is going to see how we can be more diligent on the front side before we have an issue. We will have to work with the county on this, as they are the ones doing the rake survey. Dean is going to talk to them to see how we can help or how we can improve.

    Fishing Committee: No new updates from Dave Coahran since June 2023 annual meeting, where he had lots of great positive updates.

    New Business:

    Board Members – we need to fill 2 spots – Doug’s and Vince’s – all  in favor to add Bob Hodapp as a member. Replacement for Doug would be a 3 year term - working on finding a good candidate.

    Financials – We were able to get up a CD with Heritage, so we are able to maximize the interest rate on funds in our savings account.

    Annual Meeting – For 2024 meeting we are going to start taking a record of who shows up, so we have it on file and have a head count. Always looking for ideas on new speakers, Bob suggested maybe someone from the WaterShed.

    Adjournment (9:01)

    Remaining 2023 Meetings: August 26, September 30

  • August 26, 2023

    August 26, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – (8:03 AM)

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – Approved, with the notation that I had a typo on the last minutes – I wrote that it was opposed to Bob Hodapp being on board, and it was approved. Sorry Bob!

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Newsletter: Need information for next newsletter sent to me by Friday, September 8

    b. PLM: We received our permit – they have allowed up to 8.3 acres to be treated. Megan has invoice to be paid – it is $850 for the survey cost. AIS presentation on 9/20 8:30-4:00 online event, $25 – we will participate. Will be treating 9/13. Eric will reach out to PLM about discount over 2022. 

    c. Fishing Committee: No new news.

    4. New Business: 

    a. Board Members – Welcome Mike Scott and Bob Hodapp! I have updated the board member listing but need help on the new info – please double check and let me know how it should read for you.

    b. Banking – Our 5 month CD matures soon, Dave Henle is going to handle it for us. 

    5. Adjournment (8:57 AM) Dean 1st, Bob 2nd, all approved.

    Remaining 2023 Meetings: September 30

  • September 30, 2023


    September 30, 2023 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order 

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – All approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Newsletter: Last one for 2023 has gone out

    b. PLM: They treated Green Lake mid-September. They reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary from this year’s lake survey or treatment application.

    c. Fishing Committee: Eric reported information from Mike Hodapp. Mike reported that DNR had recently done a net sample and in October will do their electro-shock survey. They are hoping to see results building on last year’s results which were relatively positive for survival rates of younger class fish.

    4. New Business: 

    a. Any new business? We discussed the Certificate of Deposit at Heritage Bank. Decided to roll over for additional 6 month Certificate. It will come due again in approximately April and we’ll review it again then.

    5. Adjournment

    Remaining 2023 Meetings: None!

  • April 13, 2024


    April 13, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – 8:04 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (September 2023 – included in email) – Bob 1st, Mike 2nd, approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Newsletter: Looking for new and interesting articles to include for 2024! Send to Megan if you have any ideas!

    b. PLM: Eric signed 2024 contract. Drew Baker is our contact. They had a special grant program for AIS, we put our application in for it. They randomly chose applications and awarded them until they ran out of money – ours was not chosen. They will continue to do this in 2025. 2024 PLM surveyed and treated about 8 acres. They are scheduled to survey toward end of summer. 

    c. AIS – Bryan Hedlof went to a meeting and found out Green Lake is trending in the right direction. We applied for our grant – there were so many applications and the funds haven’t gone up so we don’t know what we will get yet. It has been cut to 75% matching on it instead of 100% matching. Bob says he found out at a meeting with Ruth Schafer there is an increasing resistance to treatment when it comes to milfoil – they are looking at other options that might be more effective. It would be a targeted treatment, so native plants wouldn’t be affected. 

    d. Fishing Committee: Mike has charts/graphs and I will include them in the May Breeze. This spring we will get yearlings. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Certificate of Deposit at Heritage – need to review with Dave as I believe it is coming up due this month. We had $138,500 in a 6- month CD. In September we decided to leave $25k in checking and xfer balance to the savings to earn interest. Matures May 2 – there is a 6 or 12 month going forward. Eric will send an email to the board to see if they can vote/approve to keep it rolling again into another 6 months.

    b. Meetings attended over winter months – Met with water district and DNR. Funding is there for Lake Calhoun dam for phase 1 and 2 engineering. Mike has been going to the fish meetings. There have also been AIS meetings.

    c. DNR has a summer internship through NLS HS. $3500/$4000 cost, they reached out to Eric to see if this would be something we would be interested in helping with (we would ask to pay only part of the cost). Eric will send this out via email to get approval from the board. Could see if we can introduce the intern at our annual meeting.

    d. Sentry stations – Russ Hilbert reached out to Eric and asked if we would share the operational costs. $975/each for the year. Eric agreed to do all 3 for the year. Total is $2900 for the year.

    e. Megan has the GLLM room booked for our annual meeting. Additional details to follow as we get closer. If you have input on speakers, presentations, changes, etc. let Megan know ASAP.

    f. Board Member term limits – Terming out will be Mike, Steve and Dean in 2024. Bruce and Michelle are at the end of their first term. Mike Scott said he is willing to continue.

    g. Commercial Club announcement regarding fireworks – location is changing to county road 8

    5. Adjournment 8:55 AM 

    Remaining 2024 Meetings: May 11, June 8 (annual meeting), July 13, August 10, September 14

  • May 11, 2024


    May 11, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – 8:05 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (September 2023 – included in email) – Approved by all

    3. Old Business: 

    a. PLM: This is set up and ready to go. Survey July, treat September. We will post in Breeze, website, Facebook, annual meeting, and Lakes Area Review about a month before. Seminar on the 22nd of May 4:30-7:30. Bryan Hedlof said it is for all county lakes. 

    b. Fishing Committee: No news or updates.

    c. Board Elections: Owen DeCathelineau is happy to participate, as well as Roger Ahrenholz. Mike Scott will be up for election again, and he is happy to keep participating. Steve, Dean, and Mike are the outgoing members. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Annual meeting updates – Friday before send a MailChimp reminder for the annual meeting. 

    b. Harris Duininck – wants to discuss commercial/residential zoning second tier on Green Lake. The county is looking at doing rezoning in the county in the next 12 months for the north shore. Ag zoning can be permitted for almost anything. Recently there was a man who was going to put in a storage facility and going to level most of the trees. The county board is the one who denied their conditional use permit. There was tremendous support to oppose the facility. They are looking for a longer time solution to fight against these commercial and high density permits on A3 agriculture. We are going to bring this topic up at the annual meeting. 

    c. MN Lakes & Rivers renewal – Voted – Mike 1st, Steve 2nd, all approved. Megan will make a check.

    d. 2023-24 Winter Patrol: Had 67 members sign up. $30/member, all money goes to patrol person, Kristi Lilliberg-Barber. Total for her services was $2,010.

    e. 2024-2025 Memberships: Membership forms and addresses have been sent to PrintMasters and they will work with General Mailing to get the newest form out in May (just like normal – no changes to process). Online membership/payment is still available.

    f. 4th of July fireworks – I will put it in the June Breeze that it is changing. It will also be brought up at the annual meeting. 

    5. Adjournment 9:12 AM 

    Remaining 2024 Meetings: June 8 (annual meeting), July 13, August 10, September 14

  • June 8, 2024

    June 8, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    GLLM Bible Camp – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Mike Hodapp (Treasurer), Michelle Olson, Dean Erickson, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Martinka, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – 8:25 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (June 2023) – Dean 1st, Steve 2nd, all approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Roger Imdieke Update – Multiple infrastructure projects happening. Trail around lake to be completed this week. Glacial Lakes Sewer & Sanitary Water district has a $14mm update to the plant. They have a $6.8mm grant, $4.7mm is hung up in a bonding bill. The spillway on Dest lake dam money is recoverable, and the DNR has not been appropriated the funds – possibly next year. Saulsbury Beach parking lot will get a complete overlay this summer, after the 4th. New VB courts and has also been put in.

    b. Dave Baker Update – Passed a huge bonding bill last year, also infrastructure and environmental work. State is fully funded. MPCA raised a lot of fees, he did not support the bill. Still working on a historical cruise for the houseboat. ML&R, working on electronic boat check in and check out at landings. Dave isn’t in those committees so he didn’t have an update on those.

    c. Eric Tollefson Update – Hiring in all 3 areas, with 2 new deputies coming on in the next couple weeks. Not a lot of negativities or complaints this year on the lake. Kandiyohi County is currently the #4 deadliest county in the state for 2024 for fatalities on the road. May be purchasing speed signs, state working on it now. Police can pull data from those signs. Any organization can purchase them, they just work with the county. Lake calls are down significantly, and water safety deputies are always on full time. The boat will always be available at County Park 5, as Green is the busiest lake and has the most demand for it.

    d. Brett Aamot Update – FY ends on May 31. There are 5 funds. Membership is up about 10% from previous year. Positive bottom line, and less expenses this year. Made 5k of interest off of a CD that we put $100,000 in. About $180,000 in account current, up about 10k from last year. 

    e. Dave Coahran Update – Green is the only lake that samples fish population each year. Things look better each year for walleye. Hit the goal for walleye this year, hasn’t happened since 2007. Putting in bigger walleyes for stocking, about 10-12 inches. We fund aeration system for the ponds. Netting walleyes that are 20+ inches and bigger, which is the highest they have seen.

    f. Eric Mattison PLM/AIS Update – Surveyed August 15, DNR issued the permit the day after. Treated in September. 8.3 acres treated. $8200 total cost. Is contracted for 2024. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Board Member Nominations – Motion by Eric, 1st Dean, 2nd Bob. All approved. 

    Outgoing Director: Dean Erickson – City of Spicer | Nominee: Steve Gerberding – Term: June 1, 2024 – June 1, 2027

    Outgoing Director: Mike Hodapp – Green Lake Township | Nominee: Owen DeCathelineau – Term: June 1, 2024 – June 1, 2027

    Outgoing Director: Steve Martinka – Green Lake Township | Nominee: Roger Ahrenholz – Term: June 1, 2024 – June 1, 2027

    Outgoing Director: Michelle Olson – City of Spicer | Nominee: Steve Peterson – Term: June 1, 2024 – June 1, 2027

    b. County is looking at 2nd tier zoning

    c. Lake Calhoun dam – they are in phase 1 of engineering. Our board has attended past meetings.

    5. Adjournment – 9:42 AM 

    Remaining 2024 Meetings: July 13, August 10, September 14

  • July 13, 2024

    July 13, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Roger Ahrenholz, Steve Peterson, Owen DeCathelineau, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Gerberding, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – Eric M. 8:02 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (May 2024 – included in email) – All approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Fisheries – Bob H. will talk to Mike H. to see how we should go about fisheries. Bob will volunteer as the new liaison for the fishery project. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Annual meeting review: Eric asked if we should have a registration sheet for attendees – we should do that, and we can also have some name tags for everyone. Everyone likes the speakers that we have been asking to present. Have membership forms printed and available for renewals. 

    b. Lawn signs – we can redo them and do bigger print. 

    c. Directory – we could add the AED locations and any other information. Next one will come out in 2025. 

    d. Election of officers: Eric will finish out this term/year as president, and won’t be resuming that role. We need a new treasurer, and need to update the dual signatures for treasurer at Heritage Bank. All approved on Eric not continuing as president for his second term. Roger Ahrenholz was nominated by Steve Gerberding. All approved. Mike is being removed and Roger will replace effective July 13, 2024. It was suggested that a couple times a year we get an update on our balance sheet to send to the board. 

    e. Breeze articles and info: Tom Parliman used to do Nature Notes, we are looking for someone to take this on or find a new article idea. Recipes, wanted/for sale, “Moose on the Loose” type of ideas – what else can we contribute to it? 

    f. Spicer 4th Fireworks – Everyone agreed the location was a welcome change. 

    g. Greg Holmstrom – guest appearance. He has called the sheriff about getting flashing signs and the sheriff told him they don’t have enough. We could possibly send something from the association to see if we can get assistance in getting them. Eric will reach out to Eric Tollefson on the issue. There are activities on the lake that are offending residents – namely AirBnB’s. Ottertail county has adopted an ordinance restricting what you can do (including occupancy, curfews, etc.) He suggests making a proposal to the city or county regarding the issues around the lake. Eric brought up “Your Boat Club”, there are signs out there promoting it. There are pontoons for rent. He is curious on restrictions and how that works. 

    h. Lone Tree property owners’ complaints on garbage: Eric will email a response back to the Lone Tree property owners on the issue. He will let them know that the sheriff’s department needs to handle that going forward. Might be an idea to ask the sheriff if its possible to have a dumpster there – which we assume will not end up working out. Or we could hire kids/students to be a clean up patrol on busy days. We could donate money to their organization to have them help out. We would need to find out if that is okay with the sheriff and property owners. 

    i. DNR survey from Eric K. – This information is going out to the board after the meeting with the notes. The DNR did a survey on July 11. The hump in the middle of the lake has 40 acres of milfoil. Drew from PLM was also copied, Eric has not spoken to Drew yet about it. There is a limit to how much of a percentage of what we can treat. Private homeowners can private applicate too and that counts against our percentage treated with PLM. The county is awarded $419,000 to match funds for weed management projects. The most we’ve gotten is $7500 to match for each lake. This year we will only get about $6,000, since the weeds have gotten so bad on most of the lakes and more organizations that need the help. We’ve been using a selective herbicide that targets only milfoil and not natural weeds. There could be an option to do a very targeted survey and samples of the whole lake – its expensive so we can always consider that again instead of cost of treating. We did that about 4-5 years ago. Information and pictures of recent findings will be sent to the board after the meeting adjourns. 

    5. Adjournment 9:39 AM – all approved

    Remaining 2024 Meetings: August 10, September 14

  • August 10, 2024

    August 10, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Roger Ahrenholz, Steve Peterson, Owen DeCathelineau, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Gerberding, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott, Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – 8:03 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (July 2024 – included in email) – All approved. 

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Follow up on Lone Tree litter complaint – Eric reached out to MaryAnn Allender. 

    b. Speeding - Eric reached out to Eric on speed signs, they haven’t figured out any details yet. Still working on it. 

    c. PLM/surveying- 40.42 acres to treat in center, cost is $88,000. Guaranteed effectiveness for 2 years by PLM and the chemical company. They guarantee 90% containment in first year. Bill must be paid in full for us to get the monetary assistance from the county. It was the consensus in recommendation that we move forward with treating the entire 40.42 acres. All Approved by Eric, Roger, Bruce, Bryan, and Mike. Eric will email the group regarding the details of what we discussed and approved. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. Request from Megan – when you are voting on things on the agenda, please say your name out loud.  

    b. August Breeze – going out on Monday. Mike Scott is adding an IBH article as well.

    c. 2025 Annual Meeting – Megan has the GLLM building booked for June 14. Contract has been signed and sent in.

    d. Megan working on new yard signs. Maybe look into making some saying “we are treating green lake right now”

    5. Adjournment 8:57 AM 

  • September 14, 2024

    September 14, 2024 - 8:00 A.M.

    Middle Fork Crown River Watershed Office – Spicer, MN

    Current Board Members:  Eric Mattison (president), Roger Ahrenholz, Steve Peterson, Owen DeCathelineau, Bruce Felt, Bryan Hedlof, Dave Henle, Steve Gerberding, Don Spilseth, Bob Hodapp, Mike Scott. Megan Nelson, secretary.



    1. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order – 8:00 AM

    2. Approve Agenda and Minutes – (August 2024 – included in email) – all approved

    3. Old Business: 

    a. Speeding: Update from Eric – Eric Tollefson said they have 6 speed units, and they will deploy them themselves. We can contact them and they can set one out for a couple weeks where they are needed. 

    b. PLM Update – Treated on Monday 9/9. Bill paid 9/14. PLM guarantees 90% effectiveness the first year. When they survey next year, we should ask them to go and check the 40-acre area and let us know how well it had treated. Dave will move money around in our checking and savings to pay our PLM bill. 

    4. New Business: 

    a. September Breeze – Sending at beginning of the month due to notices regarding PLM. Last newsletter of 2024

    b. 2025 Directory – Steph has not responded, Megan will handle it. We will still print them, but not mail them. Will hand out at 2025 annual meeting. Put in Breeze that we will not be mailing. 

    c. 2024-2025 Patrol – Kristi Lilleberg-Barber has confirmed she will be doing it again. Right now, we have 66 members signed up for patrol.

    d. Zebra Mussels – Have been more than usual on docks coming out of the lake. Steve said Mike’s Dock & Yard can power wash them off the docks. Bob’s understanding is that there is a 4-year cycle on zebra mussels. They have a life cycle of 1-5 years.

    e. DNR 2025 Access Closures – Repair work at the Rush Brown and County Park 5 accesses next year. Should be shut down (possibly) for the entire year. Eric will call the DNR guy back in the spring.

    f. Sentry Units – We have 3 sentry units – Costs about $3,000 annually. Nest, George, and Green are the only lakes in the County using these. Green has 6 accesses. Russ wants to know if we want to continue the route we were on, or the less expensive one for roughly $300. Board decided to go the cheap route, Bryan will let Russ know. They would be ready to go next spring. Motion from Steve to go with all 6 locations on the stripped down $300 unit. 2nd Don, all approved. 

    5. Adjournment 8:54 AM 

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